You ever see letters before or after a dogs name and have no clue what that is? lol. Well here's a breakdown that I found! Feel free to add on:D
IWPA Weight pull titles
WD = Working Dog. Pulls of over 12 x body weight at 4 different pulls.
WDX = Working Dog Excellent. Pulls over 18 x their body weight at 4 different pulls.
WDS = Working Dog Superior. Pulls over 23 x their body weight at 3 different pulls
B = An entry level obedience/temperament test degree dogs must earn before proceeding.
SchH I = Schutzhund One. Tracking/Obedience/Bitework
SchH II = Schutzhund Two. Tracking/Obedience/Bitework
SchH III = Schutzhund Three. Tracking/Obedience/Bitework
FH = Tracking Dog Title. Advanced tracking degree
AD = Endurance Test. Dog's complete a 12 mile run.
Ring Sport
Brevet = Title must be earned before competing for advanced titles. Obedience and advanced bitework.
Ring I = Agility/Obedience/Bitework
Ring II = Agility/Obedience/Bitework
Ring III = Agility/Obedience/Bitework
STD-d: Started Trial Dog - ducks
STD-s: Started Trial Dog - sheep
CD: Companion Dog
CDX: Companion Dog Excellent
UD: Utility Dog
UDX: Utility Dog Excellent
OTCH: Obedience Trial Champion
U-CD: UKC Companion Dog
U-CDX: UKC Companion Dog Excellent
U-UD: UKC Utility Dog
FH: Advanced tracking title in schutzhund
TD: Tracking title from the AKC/CKC
TDX: Advanced tracking title from the AKC/UKC
French Ring
Brevet: The Brevet is required before competing at in Ring I. Includes obedience, food refusal and advanced bite work.
FR I: French Ring One
FR II: French Ring Two
FR III: French Ring Three
FD: Flyball Dog 20 Certificate
FDX: Flyball Dog Excellent 100 Certificate
FDCh: Flyball Dog Champion 500 Certificate
FM: Flyball Master 5000 Pin
FMX: Flyball Master Excellent 10000 Pin
FMCh: Flyball Master Champion 15000 Pin
ONYX: ONYX Award 20000 Plaque
FGDCh: Flyball Grand Champion 30000 Plaque
AKC Novice NA Novice Agility
AKC Open OA Open Agility
AKC Excellent AX Agility Excellent
AKC Excellent MX Master Agility Excellent
AKC Novice Jumpers With Weaves NAJ Novice Agility Jumpers
AKC Open JWW OAJ Open Agility Jumpers
AKC Excellent JWW AXJ Agility Excellent Jumpers
AKC Excellent JWW MXJ Master Agility Excellent Jumpers
AKC Combination MACH Master Agility Champion
UKC Agility I U-AgI Agility Level 1
UKC Agility II U-AgII Agility Level 2
UKC Agility I, II U-ACH Agility Champion
UKC Agility III U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent
GrCh-Grand Champion