Ohhhh...BALL YEA!!
Can't let that ball out of my sight b/c mom will take it!
Posing for your camera mom w/o a cookie isnt that bad
How you like this one?
And this one?
Here's my serious look
Okay and here's my profile shot w/o the rolls on my neck showing. There you can use those.
Alright mom enough w/ the pictures
MOM! Ughhh...I just won't look then.
No I will not look at you I'm PO'd at you for this contraption you put on me!
Somebody PLEASE let me out and get me outta this thing!
Stop taking pictures of me in this
You go ahead and laugh it up..HA HA HA
Thats why I'm going to chew it up! Now who's got the last laugh?
Treats YEA!!!
Smoked Bones and its got meat in the middle!Wooohooo!!
Hey You! Back away from my bone!
My new piggy-I just love biting him just to hear him grunt!
Now I know there are treats in here
I wonder if I just chew the top off I'll get all the treats out at once
I wasnt doing anything!
Taking a cat nap...And do you know when I woke up someone clipped my nails! Ugh..The nerve of these humans!
I love running around in the dark while mom's trying to watch T.V
You can't keep me out of your room!
Okay maybe you can. I'll sit down I promise!
What do you want? You kicked me out
I'm mad at you.
NO! Don't call my name don't you see me trying to sleep
Did she just say "GiGi you want Cookies"?
Yes Cookies!
Sit and stay so I can get cookies?...I can't you have cookies and I'm wired!
Okay what about stand and do a kinda slow walk to you
Alright i'll look pretty for your picture. But I want that cookie afterwards!
Look into our eyes
Hey there's Karma,Kannon, their parents, the weird next door neighbor and his little evil Jack Russuell, and..
oh who's that barking at me?...Oh BLACKIE!*starts puffing out my chest, gives a growl and flys off the handle!*
MOM- Legend! Behave or get out of the window!
Do you hear him talking smack to me? He started! He doesnt even know me!