Holy crap! Gemyni is already needing a new crate! Her head is about 1 inch from the top.
The crate she's in is Legend's old crate. Which is suppose to be for a dog up to 70lbs. Legend grew out of it by 6.5- 7 months.
Gemyni is 19 weeks and 16.5 inches at the shoulders and only about 30-35lbs. She's just now starting to fill out. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and buy her the same one Legend has now(48" tall crate for a dog up to 110lbs.) or buy her the 42" tall crate.
Legend is 14.5 months 24 inches at the shoulders and 85lbs maybe a tad more. So his crate for him is nice and comfy and he get stretch out!